22 March 2015

Review Tour: FLASH BURN Box Set - Alexandra I

FLASH BURN (#1 Bestseller in Erotica Genre on Amazon)

Amazon link  http://amzn.to/1sRLyb2
Goodreads page http://bit.ly/1tem5Io


James Knight POV
“…I read the last lines of the letter and the words are just ringing in my ears… I have pleased you, Master. Only now do I notice that I'm practically panting, my breaths coming in short shallow huffs, and my dick is throbbing in my slacks. I'm almost afraid to move a muscle, because I just fucking might come in my pants… What the fuck was that? Get your fucking shit together, Knight, you're acting like some horny teenager and not the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company.
I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose, my left hand sliding under the table and rubbing the hard throbbing bulge in my pants, adjusting it.”

Eva Roberts POV
“Stop listening to your needy body, Eva! My mind is always here to wake me up.
I deliberately minimize the Gmail screen and focus on um…my work emails. Is my breathing shallow? Argh! I place my hands on the edge of the desk and push off. The chair I’m sitting on slides backwards on its wheels and I swivel around, stopping right next to the window, looking outside. I need sex. I really do. I’ve had a very dry year and this is the closest I've gotten to fucking. Okay, getting wet. But good wet. Scary wet. Should I email him back? Am I that gutsy? No. I know I’m not.”

Having sent a controversial email by error to someone else, James Knight receives a reply from that email address in the same erotic language.
What follows is sexting like you've never read before and as you read on, all you want to know is, will their virtual relationship become a real one?

Author: Alexandra I

About the Author:
Alexandra, a singing and dancing force not to be reckoned with, especially when she holds a microphone, is someone who imagined her life will be just like in the film 'Grease'. So she found her 'Danny', married him and right at this moment she is annoyed his car doesn't fly. 

When she isn't glued to her trusty laptop creating magic, Alexandra prowls the pits of twitter ... find her there if you dare.

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